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EX.1      3D Scanning

AIM: Learn to use three-dimensional scanning techniques and the use of the technology in projects that are important to the architectural discourse.

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EX 3.      Computer Controlled Cutting

AIM: Switch from a language-based parametric design to a computer-controlled production. to design  And create according to the system.  

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EX. 5 Computer Controlled Milling

AIM: Design and create a chair on a 1: 1 scale, by CNC, using the machine at the Hansen House or using the robotic arm on Mount Scopus. The chair should be able to hold a person's weight! No squatting allowed. 

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EX.2      3D Printing

AIM: Understanding the process of working with 3D printers: how to design for printing production, what are the limitations of the machine and how to challenge the machines and rethink the production process.

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EX 4.      Electronics

AIM: Design and build a circuit and a code that have input and output devices that we didn’t already studied in the class. 


EX.6 Architectural Machine

 AIM: Create final product. It can be an architectural artifact made with digital fabrication, or an architectural machine, which means, a machine that makes architecture,

using a least 3 of the techniques (scanning, printing, cutting, milling, electronics)

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© 2021 by Ariel, Rawan, Razan, Tomer . Proudly created with

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